Chapel's sign. Passer-by foreigner asked what is so special about this sign. Well, I answered it is kinda old has an unique taste of itself. Don't think they understand though. Do you?

One of the old tree in Fort Cornwallis. Three different exposures and framings.

Exposure to capture the blue sky.

Exposure to see more details of the tree. Actually I forgotten to turn of the DR+ (dynamic range plus) function in my camera. I am sure if combine the two shots using HDR technique. These will be a better shots.

A pad lock of very old age. Probably the one used when Sir Francis Light used himself. Zoom in for details. It is written "Best English Make".

Shot of a bird. I like the leaves shined by the sun as background.


A flower which looks like lily.

Single cannon.

Majestic cannon array facing towards to sea.
So little only? He..he....
So little only? He..he....
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