Monday, June 13, 2011

Rose Festival .. skipping floats @ Downtown Portland

World map arranged using flowers and plants. Country are seperated by colors according to one of my friend. I did not notice it initially.

Cute Alaska Airline mascot

Clown prince :)

Rodeo queen

Donkey or foal cart. It looks tired though.

Senior cheerleading squad :)
High school cheerleaders

Flag performance

Some sort of queen from pagent contest I think

Another rodeo queen

Well Fargo display

Llama. This is my first time up-close with llama.

Look how nice is the horse.

Many rodeo queen on the ride

Navy sailor band. Everyone claps hands when they pass by.

Scottish pipe. They wore scottish skirt too.

Not exactly sure what it is. They do looks interesting.

Mexican rope performance

Taiwanese wonderful display. It would look better if I had my wide angle lens on.

Tossing the flags and guns

Adding a little humor in between, the clown ride in a tiny bicycle.

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