Monday, February 1, 2010

Our wedding dinner band sneek-peak -> The Starz live band

Our chosen wedding live band is The Starz. Main attractions are the saxophone and jazz type song which gives a warm, calm mood durng the wedding.We are taking the 2 vocalist, 1 keyboardist and 1 saxophonist.

Example of saxophonist led entrance. In this video, the saxophonist walk too fast, I will make sure I let him know to walk slower.. LoL.


Victor said...

good choice. :) make sure that guy walk slower o... hehe

Damien said...

thanks.. i will make sure that. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Damien,
Congrats on your recent wedding. Sorry you don't know me but I came across your blog while searching for the Starz Band.

Could I ask how much you ended up paying for their services? I just want to make sure their pricing is consistent.


My email:
