Saturday, October 31, 2009

A pretty nice lunch prepared by chef from chef association of malaysia @ workplace cafeteria

Once a while, Malaysia Chef Association Penang Chapter's chef will visit our cafeteria to serve us delicious meal. Almost everyday, we are being tortured with sub-standard foods. Either my food expectation is high or the daily cafeteria food is bad. Going out for lunch is typically not my preference due to high amount of workload especially this year.

Okay, back to the food. Here we queue for the chef's food. I remembered I queue for nearly 20 minutes. While I am queue, I have no idea what they serve today. I am expecting something good.

When I am right in front of the fellow chefs, here it goes on the menu. The paper is so small. A4 sized to be precise. I believe it was written just before they serve to food.. LoL.

Here it goes, we got mussel, tomato (eh.. not tomatoes, because it is only half tomato), grill fish fillet topped with turkey ham and fresh cut-fruits with yogurt.Actually it comes with 2 triangle-cut breads too. Though badly written but the food tasted good especially on the main dish.

A chef's suppose to be judge and evaluated based on taste and presentation of his/her cooking. Others factors are secondary.

Potatoes, carrots, cut-fruits dessert, breads, mussel lining up on the special long rectangular space awaiting for the fish fillet and ham to be ready. Presentation wise, I would say it is quite good.

After the long wait, here is it. My lunch meal. The photoshot is blur probably due to I am taking it on the railing rather than on the table. My colleagues has finished their meal so it is a little obscene to photograph this wonderfully presented meal together. :) No offense.

Zoomed to the tomato (tomayto? tomahto?), mussel and bread. The tomato is nice. Mussel is already cold. Worse of all, the bread is just plain bread. I am expecting garlic bread of so. Anyway there is a good workaround on the bread, read on....

Ta..Da... main dish. Fish fillet topped with turkey ham on wild mushroom sauce. This tasted very good. As for the bread, I spread it with the mushroom sauce and I can get over with it.

Not forgetting the nice texture potatoes. It look nice, isn't it? Well, one of my colleague did commented that it is a waste to purposely peal away some of the potato flesh. I think in normal restaurant, those can be made into mash potatoes. I am not too sure what the chefs did with it here.

All done till the last bite. Cost me RM7 with RM1 subsidy from company. Overall, I will order again next time.

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