Sunday, June 15, 2008

Penang Hill Trip @ Penang Hill .. Part 2

Dragon crystal in the air is called bubble. Yes this is a bubble blow from some kids playing around the tram station. Didn't know it will look so nice. Or else I would have taken a closer shot and more of them.

Aquarium with fish kissing. Monkey riding a bike. Notice on feeding monkey is an offence. Lastly a cannon pointing towards the sea but if fired, most probably will hit penang island itself.

Penang Hill is a good place to capture city view of Penang but unfortunately the haze is too great. Unable to capture any clear picture of the city. If it rains yesterday or this morning, it would be better. So treat this as a lesson for me and those whom want to capture clear city view from Penang Hill.

A few nicer shots from my selections. Freezed time water fountain. Multi-coloured bougainvilla flower (I think it is mixed breed). Palm specise tree shots.
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